That can become true soon. Because it is far simpler and cheaper than you would expect. You can reach us via + 49-351-31293064 or by e-mail at
In order to enable as many regions in Saxony as possible to gain access to their own family and work websites in the interests of the common good, we are currently offering the costs of these services at a mere cost. Our non-profit organization IT hilft gGmbH is responsible and will take care of the offer, processing and invoicing. The calculation is based on the population of the district concerned, the city, but also the smaller city. In fact, the number of regional breakdowns and documents to be included, as well as links, and especially local contact persons, increases proportionally with the number of inhabitants of a region. If you upgrade to a full version of the package in the following year, we will take the current special offers into account.
Up to 5,000 inhabitants = total package 2,000 €
Up to 20,000 inhabitants = total package € 2,500
Up to 100,000 inhabitants = total package € 3,000
Up to 200,000 inhabitants = total package € 4,000
Up to 300,000 inhabitants = total package 5,000 €
Up to 700,000 inhabitants = total package 6,000 €
You would like to shine for your own citizens with their own family-and-profession-website without own expenditure? As a special offer, we offer you a regional website for half of the calculated income-related expenses. This even contains a substantial foundation of your local contact persons or region specific documents or links.
You can shine for your citizens with your own family-and-profession-website at Christmas. As a special offer for opportunity users, we offer you your own regional website for a quarter of the price of the calculated income-related exemptions. However, this does not contain your local contact persons or region-specific documents or links.
That can become true soon. Because it is far simpler and cheaper than you would expect. You can reach us via + 49-351-31293064 or by e-mail at
Example texts can be found here:
Familie und Beruf – regional example
Example texts can be found here:
Familie und Beruf – regional example
Integrated by us are already nationally and nationally valid addresses
Now you are in demand. Give us the regionally relevant addresses that we should integrate.
There is, of course, a briefing on how to send us the addresses in one of our prefabricated Excel files.
Many documents that are generally valid are integrated by us.
Deliver the regional relevant documents as links.
For website, social media and flyer advertising
Of city districts and to match the region-specific texts
That can become true soon. Because it is far simpler and cheaper than you would expect. You can reach us via + 49-351-31293064 or by e-mail at